The MBA Tennis Academy’s Competitive Tennis School is led by former professional players David de Miguel, Jordi Burillo, and Tino Anda. The Academy’s name, MiguelBurilloAnda, is formed from the initials of their last names in this order.
We love what we do. Having dedicated our lives to tennis, we want to share our professional experience as players and coaches with everyone who shares our passion for this sport, regardless of age.
Transparency and sincerity form the foundation of MBA Tennis Academy. These principles guide our relationships with players and their families.
Both the Academy’s growth and each player’s progress are built on a foundation of genuine collaboration and support, where combining strengths is key.
P But they learn to try again. They learn to keep fighting and realize that the key isn’t just avoiding setbacks but rising again and again—whether to win a match, to achieve the grades they want on a test, or to secure a job they are passionate about. They’re learning for life.
If you’re looking to provide your child with a training environment built on these principles, give us a call or visit us at Club Tennis Cabrils.
Escuela de competición con programas para todas las edades